Hello April, Where has March gone?
Easter came and went, and now we are into April and nearly the school holidays already.
Stocktake has been completed, I don't know who invented that job, but I
think it would be best if it was scrapped from existence. It's not bad
enough that I have to count everything, then I have to listen as my
mother and mother n law try to type up the lists, and basically decipher
my scrawl. I didn't have any problems reading it... well one or two
things may have been a little hard to work out. But the lists have been
typed up, so that is awesome.
You know your getting a little predictable when Easter comes around, and
the kids come over and Sammy walks in the door with Sean, and the first
thing she asks is if she is getting deodorant and shampoo for Easter,
cause she didnt buy any this week as she was expecting some from me.
Hmmm may have to change next Easters basket of goodies. We haven't done Easter eggs for since the girls were little. I always found them very
expensive and gone far to quickly, and I preferred to give them a book,
or as may have happened for the last few years nice smelly things. But I
do believe there might be changes next year!
This is a new Kit from us, The garden Easel. The cost is $55.00 and includes everything except your paint.
It is a very easy project to do and with Mothers day coming up, it is a great present, you could even put a photo on it.
For a better look check out the website by click on the photo.
Colour Blast
I am very happy to announce that we have just arrived in the range of Colour Blast from Australia.
Colour blast is an amazing product, with Embossing powders, pastes and shimmer sprays.
Now I have been playing with mixed media for a while, and I have to say this stuff is great.
The sprays are very very shimmery, and the leather one is Wow
The embossing powder adds a really cool look to your chipboard and other
embossing projects, and as for the paste, I am in heaven. It is one of
the best product I have seen in a long while.
I have put the links here for you, however we have sold a lot already, there is more coming, so check them out.

all colours come in all three products,
embossing powders http://www.imagineif.co.nz/product-category/mixed-media-products/embossing-enamels-and-powders/
Sprays http://www.imagineif.co.nz/product-category/mixed-media-products/sprays-and-mists-stains/colour-blast-shimmer-sprays/
https://www.facebook.com/Colourblast1/ | | |
School Holiday Program for April
Tuesday April 19th - 1pm - 3pm $25
Painting class with Alysha, this is not a slap the paint on class, this
is a learning class, mixing colours, adding texture, and learn how to
blend your paint properly. All done on pallet wood.
Wednesday April 20th - Fairy Ring $30 - 10am 12.30pm

Everything is cut out, so even little ones can do this. 3 little houses, clothes line, bridge, seat
surrounding a pond, lots more to add, but we ran out of time and needed a photo for you.
Friday April 22nd Banner 10am - 12pm $25.00
We will be making a banner with your name on it, made from Triangle
shapes and covered in paper, coloured to suit your room, and then
stamped designs on to the project and flowers or something else for the
boys, layers and texture to make an interesting piece for your room.

Tuesday April 26th - Home sweet home with Alysha $20.00, 1pm - 3pm and
you go home with your own stencil. Maybe make for Mum for mothers day
which is coming up soon. Painting, and paper and some chipboard make up
this cute a4 sized project.

Wednesday April 27th - $25.00 Torso fun, 10am - 12pm
Paper lace and a torso. This is a great project, black and white and
very classic design. Hardly any cutting so easy enough to do.

Thursday April 28th Puppet fun 10am- 12pm $25.00, this little guy is a
real cutie and walks and dips and dives around. Easy to do for little

Friday April 29th Cup Cake decorating class $25.00 10am - 12pm
Cupcake decorating with Cheryl. You will decorate 6 cupcakes, two will
be piped, two you will learn to use cutters, and the other two will be
sculptures. This class is great for the little cooks who want to learn
some good techniques.
Don't forget we also do Birthday parties. Please book soon to guarantee your childs place.
We have left spaces to put on double ups of classes if required. But we only have so much of each product.
078897838 for bookings or email us imagineif@xtra.co.nz
Well that's it, we have lots of new
classes for term 2, including a shadow box, another 9 pages class, more
cake decorating and more. Next newsletter for all new classes and
Have a great week
Jo and the team at Imagine If...
nice post