Well daylight savings has arrived, and now those days are a little longer thank goodness. The light in the late afternoon, great for photography.
Lately I have been reminded just how difficult life is for some people, my friend has PAH, a disease that damages the heart and lungs. I went with her to her appointment and watched people go through their 3 monthly checkup, which includes a 6 minutes walk. Now while that doesn't sound hard, these people struggle to breath on any normal situation, let alone in a hallway where everyone can watch, and they try and walk as fast as they can for 6 minutes. I realised that it would be so easy to give up, to not give things a go. I then wondered how often in life people look at things and say I wish I could do that, but they are so afraid to fail, to look weak, worried that they just wont be good enough or that it will be just to hard, that they never even try. My fear stems from school when I was told I might as well quit art class, as I had no talent. This has really stuck with me, so ladt week I decided to give painting another go. With some very close supervision (oh and I mean close), and some stupid dumb errors on my behalf I am learning to paint. Last week was skin tones, as long as you like speckled skin with tones of purple then it looks quite good, and for two hours yesterday I managed a few streaks in my ladies hair, some eyeliner, eye shadow (not at all like putting my own on) and lips that look as though they have been put through a grater. I will maybe put my finished piece on line for you to look at , Maybe. Now what have you always wanted to do? Why havn't you done it? Is it time for you to have a go. Now if it is a class you have always wanted to do, hopefully I have a few listed here, then maybe it is time to book in and have a go, especially with Christmas coming up. Yes I know that word is being thrown around again.
This weeks challenge: to do something that scares you, that seems a bit to hard, something you have always wanted to do. My challenge this coming week, well it certainly will not be touching a spider I can tell you that, but this week, I might.......try and upload my finished art on line for you all. Maybe......
Last weeks classes were amazing, everyone was so busy creating and playing, and I loved seeing all the techniques being mastered, and I am looking forward to the next class.
This weeks links for you to check out:
http://stucksketches.blogspot.co.nz - If you are stuck for an idea for a sketch, try this link
Do ink pads confuse you? which one should you buy? http://www.atlasquest.com/tutorials/stamping/tools.html
I was teaching my ladies last week how to use the Envelope punch board great way to make envelopes, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akeOz0m8ByU I have spoken to Annemarie at Paper Zone and she will sell them to you for $30.00, the Warehouse has them for $40.00, so ring Paperzone in Frankton and get one sent to you, still works out cheaper to have it sent straight to your home. So if you are a card maker and you don't have one of these, you need one. Seriously great product check out the link.
Please note there are some updated details on classes, namely a change of date so please check them out, because my diary did not mention Labour Day.
If there are any kids that want to join in a class, let me know and I will see if it is age appropriate. I will do some classes next year specifically for kids.
October classes
Wednesday 16th October layouts class - 2 layouts using clocks and cogs $25.00, 10am. Please note the words on the left hand layout can be any theme. A few spots left.

Saturday 2nd November - Change of date - a gate book, using a Twiddleybitz gate album. $40.00, all day project. Please note - This is not finished I just wanted to give you an idea of colours and style of the book. I havn't even titled it yet, or finished the other side of the gates chain.

This fun book, has lots of pages that are all different shapes inside, and is really cool to make, I enjoyed the challenge. Now it was going to be a book Making fun of the lessons learned in life from your mother, (tongue in cheek), however some people have asked if they could do what ever in the book, so I thought it would make a great photo album, a recipie book, a positive affirmations book, a wedding gift, a baby book for a new mum, so I am giving you the option to make the book, and then just add your own touch to the book. It would make a great gift for Christmas to your daughter, or a grandchild, or someone special even your mum. The colours are apricots and black, white and a touch of pink.
Wednesday 6Th November - 8 Christmas cards, Picture below is 5 of the 8 cards. All day class. $50.00 for class and lunch. 8 cards, 8 different looks, different products, different styles but all Christmas themed. Class is full
Saturday 9th November - Christmas cards - a repeat of Wednesdays card class. Picture below is 5 of the 8 cards (just waiting on some product to finish off other cards. All day class. $50.00 for class and lunch. 8 cards, 8 different looks, different products, different styles but all Christmas themed.

Saturday 16th November has been cancelled at this stage. I don;t have enough time in a day to get all the rest done. Sorry.
Saturday 23rd November - House shaped printers tray - A very cool Christmas gift, a printers tray in the shape of a little house, it has a theme, in this house we.....hug, kiss, play, forgive, etc etc. I am thinking all in whites and maybe a touch of what ever colour you would like. You can add photos if you want. if you want to make a christmas house that is perfect as well. We can do what ever, so just let me know.

December classes
December 4th Christmas tags class - 8 - 10 tags different looks different styles, add to your presents or would make a great present themselves. This can be done as a christmas tray if you want as well.
December 14th Christmas shadow box, all the fun of Christmas in a great shadow box. great gift. Brick work, a tree, hanging baubles, so excited about this one.

So email me or phone me on 07 8873901 if you have any questions, or you want to book a spot. Leave me a message on the phone if I am out and about or working upstairs.
all the best Jo
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